The Community Health Worker Training Program is one multiyear program focused on education and on-the-job training to build the pipeline of public health workers sponsored by a grant from HHS’ Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA). This HRSA program provides grants to non-profit community groups, tribal organizations, community colleges, and other academic institutions for training and apprenticeship activities.
The grants are designed to help more people enter the health workforce and connect individuals to care and support. The CHWs trained via this grant program help patients follow up on their provider’s recommendations and focus on preventive and protective factors that can improve health and well-being.

As community members who are trusted and support patients in navigating health challenges in a culturally responsive way, CHWs have a proven record of helping reduce health disparities among populations with historically adverse health outcomes..
Other resources may be found via national partner groups that provide support in establishing local programs such as the National Association of Community Health Workers and the American Public Health Association.