The Office of Minority Health works to raise awareness on efforts aimed at reducing health and health care disparities and advancing health equity.
- OMH COVID-19 Initiative
- Cultural Competency for healthcare providers
- National Hypertension Control Initiative: Addressing Disparities among Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations (HTN Initiative)
- Sickle Cell Disease Initiative
- Supporting States, Territories and Tribes in Identifying and Sustaining Health Equity-Promoting Policies, Program and Practices
- Minority Health Social Vulnerability Index Fact Sheet [PDF | 275KB]
- Translated Resources and Materials for Medicare Providers [PDF | 71.2KB]
- 2019 Compendium of Federal Datasets Addressing Health Disparities [PDF | 5.6MB]
- Justice and Health Initiatives
- HIV/AIDS and PrEP Resources
- Men's Health Month
- National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
- Reentry Resources
- Trauma Resources
Special Observances
- Black History Month (February)
- National Minority Health Month (April)
- Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (May)
- Hispanic Heritage Month (September/October)
- Native American Heritage Month (November)