Reports to Congress on Minority Health

The biennial Report to Congress on Minority Health Activities summarizes the programs, policies, and initiatives of agencies across the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that address minority health and health disparities.

Since the first 2011 Report to Congress on Minority Health Activities, agency offices of minority health and the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) have been established. The HHS Office of Minority Health, NIMHD, the individual offices of minority health and health equity within six HHS agencies, and other HHS agencies and offices have carried out programs and developed policies to reduce disparities in health and health care for minority populations. These activities have included:

  • Leadership and coordination of national health disparities action plans
  • Community-based participatory research
  • Access to quality health care for minority populations
  • Dissemination of community grants
  • Increasing the cultural competency of the health and human services workforce
  • Integration of research and establishment of networks that connect funded institutions, researchers, and the community
  • Improving the participation of racial and ethnic minorities in chronic condition research studies
  • Strengthening state leadership and supporting programs to improve the health of and health care for vulnerable populations across the lifespan
  • Expanding diverse language-based programs
  • Improving data collection and reporting on health disparities at the national and state levels
  • Increasing access to and implementation of health information technology
  • Improving health literacy
  • Providing technical assistance and professional training to underrepresented populations
  • Building capacity to address gaps in services

Biennial Reports to Congress on Minority Health Activities

2017 Report to Congress on Racial and Ethnic Minority Health Activities [PDF]

2015 Report to Congress on Minority Health Activities [PDF]

2013 Report to Congress on Minority Health Activities [PDF]

2011 Report to Congress on Minority Health Activities [PDF]

Additional Reports

2020 Update on the Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities [PDF]

FY 2020 Report to Congress on Office of Minority Health Grant Activities [PDF]