Center for Indigenous Innovation and Health Equity


The HHS Office of Minority Health (OMH) supports the Center for Indigenous Innovation and Health Equity (CIIHE) to advance sustainable solutions to address health disparities among American Indian and Alaska Native (Al/AN) and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) populations.

The CIIHE is grounded in data that AI/AN and NHPI populations within the United States experience a high burden of health disparities as demonstrated by a high prevalence of a wide range of chronic diseases, and adverse impacts of social determinants of health, such as barriers to health care access.

To address the impact of health disparities experienced by AI/AN and NHPI communities, the CIIHE focuses on four priority areas—research, education, service, and policy—and promotes Indigenous health by:

  • Partnering with Indigenous leaders, Al/AN and NHPI communities, and academic institutions.
  • Identifying and disseminating culturally and linguistically appropriate, evidence-based, and/or practice-based interventions for Indigenous populations.
  • Providing education and training to support community engagement.

OMH does not support direct services through the CIIHE, but seeks to identify, ensure the sustainability of, and promote successful programs and practices that can reduce health disparities and improve health. This initiative is in alignment with Make America Healthy Again Commission health priorities such as prevention, addressing chronic disease, and promoting nutrition and physical activity.

OMH CIIHE Grant Initiative

Established in 2021, the CIIHE supports research, education, service, and policy development that address health disparities in AI/AN and NHPI populations. These disparities are associated with factors such as health literacy, food security, health care access, and environmental exposures.

The CIIHE was created at the direction of Congress and operates as a single initiative through two award recipients: Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences and the University of Hawaii.

  • Oklahoma State University focuses on AI/AN populations with the goal of strengthening Indigenous food systems and traditional practices to promote health and wellness.
  • The University of Hawaii focuses on NHPI populations with the goal of researching and scaling traditional practices that may positively impact health.

In Fiscal Year 2023 OMH awarded a total of $4 million for a five-year initiative to support the CIIHE. Through these awards, the CIIHE implements innovative and culturally appropriate frameworks to prevent and improve disparities in chronic diseases, such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.

CIIHE Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Community Engagement Group

The CIIHE NHPI Community Engagement Group serves as a forum for NHPI community members to exchange information, knowledge, and recommendations to address health disparities and improve outcomes for NHPI communities.

CIIHE Tribal Advisory Committee (TAC)

The purpose of the CIIHE TAC is for AI/AN Tribal leaders to exchange views, share information, provide advice and/or recommendations, or facilitate any other advisory role to OMH in the development of CIIHE activities addressing priority areas, including those that arise explicitly or implicitly under statute, regulation, or Executive Order.